Thursday, May 20, 2010

Your Arms Are My Castle, Your Heart Is My Sky

Glorify God in everything - every word that crosses your lips, every thought that passes through your mind, every move your body makes. Pursue all that's holy and wise. Pray for hope and faith. Ask for forgiveness. Be kind and loving towards others, even if they don't deserve it. Guard your heart. Honor the Lord with your entire being. Choose what's right. Do only what is pure. Obey and respect the rules, laws, and commands happily. Thank God for everything you have. If help is needed, it will be found. It's never too late to ask for forgiveness. Everything happens for a reason. Surround yourself with those like you - honorable, godly, loving, caring, and respectful. Do not fear. The God who made you and loves you dearly will keep you from harm. Your works can not restore your sinfulness. Only God can sanctify you. Therefore, give yourself completely over to Him. Let Him take control of your life and you will not be disappointed.