~Isaiah 61:11~

~Psalm 97:11~

~John 7:37-38~
"..We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame.."
It was the saddest thing you've ever seen. He looked so pitiful, but no one acknowledged him. His clothes were torn, old, and dirty. His face was sunken from starvation, and his legs were too weak to carry him any further. There he sat, on the side of the dusty road, watching the crowd as it past by. The sun beat down upon his bare back, making his sunburns crack and bleed when he moved. You wouldn't know he was in pain though. His once dark, gleaming, and mysterious eyes were now red and bloodshot from lack of water. He licked his lips, trying to sooth the small cuts that blistered from the dry heat. Patiently, he sat, waiting for someone to stop. His faith and hope could have driven him onward, but his body failed him. His sight went blurry, his head burned with pain, and then he collapsed. But right before it all seemed to fade away, he saw her. He couldn't decide if it was real or just a dream. And the, he lost all sight, pain, and consciousness.
She picked him up as gently as a mother would her newborn child. When she walked, carrying him in her arms, it was as if she flawlessly glided across the ground. Her eyes were captivating. They glowed with a warm loving light. Her face radiant with beauty. She ran her cool fingers across his tinder forehead, brushing his matted hair from his pitiful face. She gazed at him with a curious wonder in her eyes. Smiling slightly, she held him closer and took off. She ran with grace delicacy. Her soft feet hit the ground with a soothing pace. The world flew by in a dizzying blur. In no time at all, she began to slow down as she approached her destination. Stepping across the marble threshold of the house, she spoke. Her voice was like a sweet melody that will forever repeat itself in your head. Words poured off her tongue like water running down a riverbed. Her breath smelled of honey and peonies.
Startled, he tried to discover where the noise came from. It seemed to surround him, wrapping him in a soothing embrace. He tried to find a pattern in the noise, but it kept changing. Right when he was about to give up, it stopped. Confused, he listened harder. Louder than before, it started again. This time it was almost overwhelming. At that moment it made perfect sense. It was no song to entertain, but a command. Excitement grew quickly inside him. Wanting so badly to call out and answer, it almost drove him crazy. That's when he started to burn. This burning was like the hot, throbbing, pain one gets when thawing from the cold. It seemed like forever before the pain subsided, but when it did, he was more than grateful.
She sat silently now, waiting. Her face still showed no sign of worry. She gazed at the young boy, as if he was perfect. Her eyes gleamed with love for him. It seemed like she had known him his entire life. Her patience never wavered. Slowly, touching his hand, she spoke to him. His face, which was tense from pain, softened when she spoke.
It was then when he could understand it all. It was her voice he heard. Her voice and words soothed both his body and soul. A new energy ran through his veins. He began to realize the power she had over him. When he was fully conscious again, he had been completely healed. Not only was he cured, but he wasn't hungry or thirsty. He had no need. He couldn't find the words to express his gratitude for what she gave him – new life. He had nothing to give her in return. But when he looked her in the eyes, he knew it didn't matter. She had chosen him. All she asked for was love and respect, which was all he had. With her strength, he never again doubted that he would be alone, hurt, judged or imperfect.